October 2, 2012

Dreaming BIG

This saying has become one that I think of quite often. I have a printed image of it framed on my desk. For the past couple months I've been actively emailing, calling, and even having a few phone interviews with wedding planners about a full-time internship next summer.
As required for my major, I have to complete 480 hours (SOO MANY!) next summer. I never got to study abroad so I have always told myself that I would spend my internship outside the state of North Carolina... and, well, that's what I'm doing!! I've emailed 16 (my lucky number!) different wedding planners in the cities of Chicago, NYC, London, Paris, the Hamptons, the Cape and even one in Monterey, California (where I was born!). I believe that internships are the most effective way to build your resume, network, and gain hands-on experience you can't learn in college. I want as many internships as I can get my hands on! Luckily, I heard back from half of the companies I reached out to. Only a couple were immediate "no"s and the others were optimistic about talking further with me or wanting me to contact them again early next year when they were ready to look for an intern.
I have high hopes for my summer in 2013. Hopefully I'll have some more definite updates soon!

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